• Vendor: CompTIA
  • Class: 5 Days
  • Voucher: Yes
  • Certification: Security+ Certified
  • Exam Method: Virtual Exam at Home
  • 5 Days
  • Virtual - Live

Class Is Recorded with Unlimited Access for 90-Days

We Coach Until You Pass

100 % Exam Pass Guarantee

12-Additional Hours of Exam Review at No Charge


Welcome to CompTIA Security+ SY0-601. This course provides the basic knowledge needed to plan, implement, and maintain information security in a vendor-neutral format; this includes risk management, host and network security, authentication and access control systems, cryptography, and organizational security. This course maps to the CompTIA Security+ certification exam.

You will benefit most from this course if you intend to take a CompTIA Security+ SY0-601 exam.

This course assumes that you have basic knowledge of using and configuring individual workstations and simple networks. Knowledge equivalent to the CompTIA A+ and Network+ certifications is helpful but not necessary.


  1. Pass your exam, guaranteed (if you don’t pass, you’ll be coached until you do)
  2. Intensive Authorized Virtual-Live Training (online live sessions)
  3. Post-training Virtual-Live exam mentoring and coaching sessions for 3-weeks (6 total events or 12-hours of exam coaching) via the student portal
  4. YOUR live class is recorded and turned into eLearning with 3-months access via the student portal
  5. Message your trainer in-platform until you pass
  6. Access mock exams, exam prep, and assessments to ensure you are ready to test



Course setup

Chapter 1: Security fundamentals

Chapter 1: Security fundamentals

Module A: Security concepts

Module B: Enterprise security strategy

Module C: Security program components

Chapter 2: Risk management

Module A: Understanding threats

Module B: Risk management programs

Module C: Security assessments

Chapter 3: Cryptography

Module A: Cryptography concepts

Module B: Public key infrastructure

Chapter 4: Network connectivity

Module A: Network attacks

Module B: Packet flow

Chapter 5: Network security technologies

Module A:  Network security components

Module B: Monitoring tools

Chapter 6: Secure network configuration

Module A: Secure network protocols

Module B: Hardening networks

Chapter 7: Authentication

Module A: Authentication factors

Module B: Authentication protocols

Chapter 8: Access control

Module A: Access control principles

Module B: Account management

Chapter 9: Securing hosts and data

Module A: Malware

Module B: Securing data

Module C: Securing hosts

Chapter 10: Securing specialized systems

Module A: Mobile security

Module B: Embedded and specialized systems

Chapter 11: Application security

Module A: Application attacks

Module B: Securing applications

Chapter 12: Cloud security

Module A: Virtual and cloud systems

Module B: Securing cloud services

Chapter 13: Organizational security

Module A: Social engineering

Module B: Security policies

Module C: User roles and training

Module D: Physical security and safety

Chapter 14: Disaster planning and recovery

Module A: Business continuity

Module B: Resilient systems

Module C: Incident response procedures

Appendix A: Glossary

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